
Forms enables users to add, view and edit individual records. Records can be customized by system administrators to tailor the information to users' needs.

Forms can range from being incredibly complex with many fields, to very simple with relatively few fields. Forms are always launched in a new application tab and can be launched using the following methods:

Form Types

There are two types of forms:

  • Module Forms - Module forms open when a user clicks the Add Document with plus symbol icon or Open File folder opening icon buttons within a Lucity module.

    • The Add Document with plus symbol icon button opens a blank form and enables a user to create a new record.
    • The Open File folder opening icon button opens an existing record for the user to view or edit information.
  • Submittal Forms - These forms open when a user selects them from the Menu in the View Selector.

    • These always open to a blank form that enables a user to create a new record without navigating to the module first.
    • Submittal forms appear identical to module forms except for the extra ability to mark the form as a favorite White star favorite icon. This causes the form to also appear in the View Selector under the Favorites section. Submittal forms are most often used for creating different types of work requests.

More information about Form setup

Form Navigation

  • Navigate through form fields by clicking in the desired fields or by using the Tab key (read-only fields are automatically skipped).
  • Shift + Tab cycles backwards through the fields.